Following the signing of the Investment Agreement dated 16 April 2024 between the Certares-led consortium of investors and FTI Group, FTI announces that the Consortium signed definitive documentation to acquire financial liabilities of FTI following a market-based process, including loans and other financial supports.

Neşet Koçkar purchased one-third shares of Novaturas Neşet Koçkar purchased one-third shares of Novaturas

The transaction is related to the comprehensive reorganization of FTI. Together with the contribution of new equity capital from the Consortium totaling EUR 125 million, FTI's financial position and capital reserves have been materially strengthened. This will provide the Company with ample resources for current operations, support its next phase of growth and facilitate digital transformation plans.

During the pandemic period, FTI, like many other companies, faced significant challenges. However, it managed to stay afloat with the 595 million euros provided by the German Economic Stability Fund, along with an additional 280 million euros in loans from the Bavarian State Federal Government.