According to a report from Izvestia, based on data from booking services and insurance companies, Türkiye is the top destination for Russian tourists traveling independently. Insurance company Rosgosstrah revealed that 57% of independent travelers choose Türkiye. The second most popular destinations are within Russia, with a 15% share.

Other popular destinations

Apart from Türkiye, other popular international destinations for Russian tourists include China, Thailand, and Vietnam. OneTwoTrip, a booking service, reported that 15.2% of Russian hotel bookings abroad were for Türkiye. However, there has been a 24% decline in reservations compared to the previous year.

Rising popularity of China

Sector representatives told the newspaper that since the lifting of pandemic restrictions, China has been gaining popularity among Russian tourists. The Ministry of Economic Development stated that while only 2,000 Russian tourists visited China in 2021, this number has surged to over 733,000 in 2023.

A strange hot air balloon accident in Cappadocia A strange hot air balloon accident in Cappadocia

Insurance trends

According to a report on TurkRus, Alfastrahovanii, an insurance company, also indicated that Türkiye is the most insured destination for Russian travelers.