Yakup Dinler, general secretary of Türkiye Hoteliers Federation and Kayakapi Premium Caves Chairman of the Board, said that, like sun and beach destinations, Cappadocia was not able reached its 2023 goals.
Most of hotels in Cappadocia experienced disappointed
"Of course, there were hotels that were busier than others, but many businesses were disappointed." Yakup Dinler said and add; Biggest factors of low demand were the high costs and prices that were increased above the normal rates. In 2022, after the end of the pandemic, we experienced visitor influx with very high prices. That is why many establishment that though this trend will continue in 2023, raised the prices %100 compared to previous year."
Dinler stated that at while many hotels struggling to achieve even the 2022 prices, hotels that set the reasonable price hikes and reflect it to their service, were able to successful. He underlined that establishments that increased prices without improving service and quality suffered losses.
Unrealistic expectations about Chinese market
When it comes to the opening of Chinese market Yakup Dinler indicate the 'unrealistic' comments about expectations and said:
“In 2019, 350 thousands tourists from the People's Republic of China brought historic occupancy rates to Cappadocia. However, they have been absent since January 2020. With recent decisions, there's a newfound optimism for the Chinese market's return. But I have seen some unrealistic numbers and expectations about Chinese market on the news. Expecting 300 thousand even 1 million Chinese tourist are far from reality. It would take time for good things to happen. So, reaching the 2019 level in 2024 in Chinese market, of course with reasonable prices, would be success for us.”